To book a fishing trip with Captain Scott Salyer please call or text 832-401-8244 Please leave a voicemail in case he’s out fishing with other clients.
You can also use the contact form to let Captain Scott know you’re interested in booking a trip.
We prefer to book our trips 30 days in advance to make sure we can accommodate your desired fishing date. We also participate in fishing tournaments and charity fishing events so have at least 3 date options.
Here are few things to know when booking your trip
Things You Need To Know
- You will need a valid Texas fishing license. We do not sell them. Please obtain one prior to showing up at the dock.
- You do not need any fishing gear (unless you plan to wade fish). We will provide all necessary fishing gear.
- 4 person maximum per trip. We can accommodate larger parties if notified in advance.
- We are an inshore fishing charter service. Which means we fish in 1/2 foot to 4 foot of water in different bays around Port Aransas.
- We have coolers on the boat to keep your beverages cold. Please bring what you desire to drink during your trip.
- Personal coolers are not allowed on the boat in order to maximize space and your fishing experience.
- Children are welcome; however, any child under 13 must wear a life jacket at all times. We can provide one or you can bring your own Cost Guard approved child safety vest.
- We will clean and bag fish caught back at the dock. Please bring a cooler if you need to keep your bag fresh for your drive home.
- We do not offer any lodging; however, there are a couple of hotels close by.
- Sunscreen is recommended
When Captain Scott calls to confirms your booking, he will go over all details and information concerning your trip. If you have any questions, please ask Captain Scott during that time so he can create the best possible fishing trip for you.